#1 Decoding the Mystery of Property Characterization
CourseLearn about the world of property characterization and the pivotal decisions that shape the outcome of these disputes.
#2 Premarital Agreements Under Fire: The Tactics to Attack or Defend Them in Court
CourseUnveil the tactics to attack or defend premarital agreements in court. We will explore the high-stakes world of litigating prenups and the insider knowledge necessary to handle these disputes.
#3 1st Amendment and DV
CourseExplore the legal issues when domestic violence restraining orders and custody orders limit or punish speech. We will discuss how to balance personal safety and the constitutional right of free speech, giving you the tools to navigate these orders.
#4 Fee and Sanctions
CourseTake your skills to the next level with this power-packed webinar on winning strategies for making or resisting motions for attorney's fees or sanctions.
4 Course Bundle
Coming Soon!